Changelog ========= Changes in Version 0.6.0 ------------------------ - Fixed ``ImportError`` on Windows by building ``libbson`` in "Release" mode. - Support PyArrow 10.0. Changes in Version 0.5.1 ------------------------ - Fixed auto-discovery of schemas for aggregation and ``numpy`` methods. - Added documentation for auto-discovery of schemas. Changes in Version 0.5.0 ------------------------ - Support auto-discovery of schemas in ``find/aggregate_*_all`` methods. If the schema is not given, it will be inferred using the first document in the result set. - Support PyArrow 9.0. - Improve error message for lib ImportError. Changes in Version 0.4.0 ------------------------ - Support for :class:`~bson.decimal128.Decimal128` type. - Support for macOS arm64 architecture on Python 3.9+. - Support for writing tabular datasets (materialized as PyArrow Tables, Pandas DataFrames, or NumPy arrays) to MongoDB using the :meth:`~pymongoarrow.api.write` function. See the :doc:`quickstart` guide for more info. Changes in Version 0.3.0 ------------------------ - Support for `PyArrow` 7.0. - Support for :class:`~bson.objectid.ObjectId` type. - Improve error message when schema contains an unsupported type. - Add support for BSON string type. - Add support for BSON boolean type. - Upgraded to bundle `libbson `_ 1.21.1. If installing from source, the minimum supported ``libbson`` version is now 1.21.0. - Dropped Python 3.6 support (it was dropped in `PyArrow` 7.0). Changes in Version 0.2.0 ------------------------ - Support for PyMongo 4.0. - Support for Python 3.10. - Support for Windows. - :meth:`~pymongoarrow.api.find_arrow_all` now accepts a user-provided ``projection``. - :meth:`~pymongoarrow.api.find_arrow_all` now accepts a ``session`` object. - Note: The supported version of ``pyarrow`` is now ``>=6,<6.1``. Changes in Version 0.1.1 ------------------------ - Fixed a bug that caused Linux wheels to be created without the appropriate ``manylinux`` platform tags. Changes in Version 0.1.0 ------------------------ - Support for efficiently converting find and aggregate query result sets into Arrow/Pandas/Numpy data structures. - Support for patching PyMongo's APIs using :meth:`~pymongoarrow.monkey.patch_all` - Support for loading the following `BSON types `_: - 64-bit binary floating point - 32-bit integer - 64-bit integer - Timestamp