Installing from source

System Requirements

On macOS, you need a working modern XCode installation with the XCode Command Line Tools. Additionally, you need CMake and pkg-config:

$ xcode-select --install
$ brew install cmake
$ brew install pkg-config

On Linux, you require gcc 4.8, CMake and pkg-config.

Windows is not yet supported.

Environment Setup

First, clone the mongo-arrow git repository:

$ git clone
$ cd mongo-arrow/bindings/python

Additionally, create a virtualenv in which to install pymongoarrow from sources:

$ virtualenv pymongoarrow
$ source ./pymongoarrow/bin/activate


PyMongoArrow uses libbson. Detailed instructions for building/installing libbson can be found here.

You can either use a system-provided version of libbson that is properly configured for use with pkg-config, or use the provided script to build it:

$ LIBBSON_INSTALL_DIR=$(pwd)/libbson ./

On macOS, users can install the latest libbson using Homebrew:

$ brew install mongo-c-driver

Conda users can install libbson as follows:

$ conda install --channel conda-forge libbson pkg-config

The minimum required version is listed in pymongoarrow/ If you try to build with a lower version a ValueError will be raised.


In the previously created virtualenv, install PyMongoArrow and its test dependencies in editable mode:

(pymongoarrow) $ pip install -v -e ".[test]"

If you built libbson using the build-libbson script then use the same LIBBSON_INSTALL_DIR as above:

(pymongoarrow) $ LIBBSON_INSTALL_DIR=$(pwd)/libbson pip install -v -e “.[test]”


To run the test suite, you will need a MongoDB instance running on localhost using port 27017. To run the entire test suite, do:

(pymongoarrow) $ python -m unittest discover test

Running Linters

PyMongoArrow uses pre-commit for managing linting of the codebase. pre-commit performs various checks on all files in PyMongoArrow and uses tools that help follow a consistent code style within the codebase.

To set up pre-commit locally, run:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

To run pre-commit manually, run:

pre-commit run --all-files